
Galerie Engel

Ein wachsendes  Bewusstsein…

Diese Arbeiten sind vom Licht inspiriert,  was auch immer das für jedes  Individuum bedeuten mag. Jedes menschliche Wesen hat seine eigenes Verstaendnis & Interpretation,  abhängig von deren Spiritualität,  Glauben, Religion, Kultur, Herkommen, Werte und Familien-Sprache…

Angel Gallery

A growing Awareness…

These works are inspired by The Light,  and whatever that may mean to the  individual. Each Human Being has its own  understanding & interpretation, depending on their Spirituality, Faith,  Religion, Culture, Values, Country and  Family-Language…
Guardian Grace Germany 2013 UnburnedClay Height - 50cms
Aasha - means Hope Germany 2013 Ceramic Sculpture Height - 68,5cms Private Collection Germany
Heart Feathers Germany 2016 Ceramic Sculpture Height - 43cms 350 
Amore Angela Germany 2016 Bisque clay Height - 50cms Private Collection Germany
Green Angel Germany 2016 Ceramic Sculpture Height - 57cms 800
P Gauguin‘s Gabrielle Germany 2016 Ceramic Sculpture Height - 52cms Private Collection Germany
Energia Germany 2017 Ceramic Sculpture Height - 52cms Private Collection Germany
Guardia Germany 2017 Ceramic Sculpture Height: 42cms Private Collection France
Ampharo Germany 2018 Ceramic Sculpture Height: 54cms 450
Celestial Germany 2018 Ceramic Sculpture Height: 39ms 500
He who listens… Germany 2018 Ceramic Sculpture Height: 43cms 350
Soul‘s Butterfly Germany 2017 Ceramic Sculpture Breadth: 29 Height: 30cms 650
Seelenkokon Germany 2018 Ceramic Sculpture Height: 30cms 450
Daphne Germany 2006 Ceramic Sculpture Height - 30-35cms 400