Afrikan Heart, europäische Welt . . .
My Life began in the constellation of an Afrikan Village and my
Childhood was rich & blessed with so many amazing Souls.
Maths & Eureka | 1976 | South Africa
My Mother taught me part of my "Mensch".
She has taught me how to communicate with
people, and most of all, how to love them....
The women in my family have been known to
do unconventional things...
In the 80s, when a lot of companies were
closing down due to workforce boycots,
my uncle's business would also have collapsed
had my mother not gotten her Code10
driver's license to help deliver gas cylinders
to their clients.
I would not be who I am had she not been a
part of my evolvement.
My Father was like an encyclopedia!
He made me aware of the art world with his
passion of books, history, politics, art &
rare rugs/carpets.
His unexpected death was a new chapter in
my life...
I would not be who I am had he not been a
part of my evolvement.
We had the most amazing grandparents we
could ever have wished for!
My grandparents are one of the biggest
treasures of my childhood memories...
My grandmother was a gentle but strong Soul,
who always had three or four dogs lying near
her feet. An incredibly strong woman, who
started working at the young age of 14.
By the time she was 30, she had bought her
own house. She was a wonderful grandmother,
and I shall never forget her warm, soft body
that would always hold me when I needed her.
Our grandfather was one of my heroes.
He was a community leader and
a Father-Figure to many Souls who needed him.
His innitiative started the first newspaper
in Halfway House/Midrand.
He was a gentle, strong, loving and passionate
Soul. He had an amazing discipline, which he
tried to teach us.
Our Grandfather had a philosophy -
"...don't waste film! Each photo you take,
should be good enough for the mantelpiece!"
He taught us about the value of things, and
genuine sustainability.
The thing I remember and treasure most about
him, was his positive attitude & his deep
respect for Nature and God.
I would not be who I am had they not been a
part of my evolvement.
Maths was my best friend, my Guardian Angel
and what I believe, my "earth" grandfather...
There was a special bond between all of us.
Maths was a very unique member of our
My dedication to his memory, has revealed
a great truth to me about the way most people
take food-growers for granted(!) and,
therefore ourselves.
We are nothing without the sacred Souls who
nurture and grow our food.
This Conscious Thought, has awakened much
of the depth behind my Art Peaces.
I would not be who I am had he not been a part
of my evolvement.
One of the oldest friends my grandparents
had, was a woman by the name of
Charlotte Heinemann.
She was like an additional grandmother to
It was due to her, that I one day realized,
that I too, wanted to do art…
Regretfully, I never told her this,
before she passed to peace.
The painting Charlotte is dedicated to her.
I would not be who I am had she not been a
part of my evolvement.
Oonagh, (you pronounce it Una), is another
remarkable Soul who has graced
my Life‘s Path.
A nurse & a humanitarian, with much courage,
compassion & calm, she has always been an
inspiration & rolemodel.
I would not be who I am had she not been a
part of my evolvement.
When my parents got divorced, another
exceptional Soul entered our lives...
As I leaned over his shoulder and watched his
pencil move across the paper, Heinz awakened
in me a deep wish to be able to draw!
Heinz was also the first person to give me a
camera! I was 9 years young.
He was a retired graphic designer.
His love of nature and the wild bush in Klaserie,
was another inspiring influence. We spent some
holidays in the bush with him.
He was a beautiful Soul who knew exactly how
to encourage us to start something new.
I would not be who I am had he not been a
part of my evolvement.
Like with all families, there came a time when
our family had real problems...
very painful problems.
This Soul, by the name of Wilie Skome,
was the light at the end of the tunnel for my
mom and I!
I call her my Afrikan Mamma.
She has an emotional intelligence which
surpasses most therapists I have ever met,
including those with university educations!
Willie is my teacher of uBuntu.
uBunts means - „I am, because you are.“
Unfortunately with me going walkabout and
her moving around in South Africa, we have
sadly lost contact, but it is one of my biggest
wishes, to be able to introduce our children to
her some day...
I would not be who I am had she not been a
part of my evolvement.
Best friend, partner in another-crazy-idea,
supporter, co-creator, challenger, teacher,
student, muse, ecotect, managerial wizard,
cradle-to-cradle thinker, tree-saver,
husband, friend and foe…
With him and our two amazing Children,
I would not be who I am or am becoming,
if he and they had not been a part of my Life.